Thursday, February 28, 2013


At some time when I wasn’t quite watching, feminism grabbed men by the balls and taught them a few misconceptions that are interfering with my sex life.  They took the female response, blurred it into a “one size fits all” , and made a sort of orgasmic soup that apparently satisfies most women, but leaves me struggling.

The whole problem is this concentration on my clitoris, assuming that by single minded attention to this tiny spot a man can produce a solitary pleasure blast which is supposed to be what all women want. I beg to differ.

Now mind you, if you lock me into a room with a proper vibrator and no partner I can,  in just a couple of minutes, produce a series of very satisfying orgasms.  You might think that you’ve been replaced by an electrified gun that shoots the necessity of your manhood off the planet.  But in my case, I’ve simply found a temporary way to insure that my libido doesn’t disappear while I’m waiting for a real man to enter my life.

By now men know that most sexually alive women like to play with their fingers or toys in the absence of a satisfying man.  What they don’t know is not all ladies are searching for a man with a slow hand or a fast tongue  --- a replacement for what women do for themselves.

In my case I can enjoy solitary concentration on my clitoris by a man (or a woman)  for about two minutes.  It won’t produce an orgasm, but it will bring everything in my body below the waistline and above the knees into joyous alert.  After that my clitoris goes into hiding and the remainder of me aches for intercourse --- I’ve finished the appetizer and am ready for the entrĂ©e.

Even scientists who study sex agree that the human mind is an essential sexual organ.  When I’m alone, I give my mind a fantasy, usually a recreation of a past enjoyment, and that, as much as the electric toy, is what leads me into orgasm.  But when I’m with a person, I’ve no need for fantasy.  My mind has a present toy, and that one is in grasping distance, but unfortunately busy down south where I can’t hug and kiss him thus leaving me with my concentration on my sensations rather than him.  It seems pointless to create an outside fantasy, when the source of my pleasure is right at hand and my poor clitoris, alarmed by my pin pointed concentration on itself, hides itself and ceases to send great sensations.

My pleasure in sex is created from the pleasure of my partner.  While he might be thoroughly enjoying the manipulations of his hand or tongue on my nether regions, I have no real feedback to tell me that.  Not being about to fantasize some other situation, I soon bore of any congress that doesn’t include a clear indication of my partner’s joy.  I’m not a bit interested in having a solo orgasm separated from my partner.  I want my pleasure and his pleasure to happen simultaneously, not serially.

I’m not at all sure how sex therapists and feminists got the idea I want an orgasm independent of my partner.  My joy in sex is not the ending, but the experience of a warm, loving, participating union.  I want my hands, legs, mouth, sense of smell, hearing, vagina, and yes --- even my clitoris --- to be enjoying my partner all at the same time.  Will I have an orgasm?  You betcha, probably many.  What do you need to do to make that happen?  Enjoy yourself.  It works for me.

 © Picottee Asheden

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Women are from Venus, Men are from Hell

What is it about men?  Men approach sex from the bottom up and women from the top down.  The trouble is that some men, certainly not all, but some never get the true ecstatic possibilities in sex and just remain below the waist.  I’ve had whole relationships with men who never got the love bit, even possibly a whole marriage.

There is this wonderful neural connection that runs through a human’s body linking the genitals with the heart.  (It actually runs to the brain, but that can get temporarily disconnected.)  There must be a little cut-off valve in men.  Maybe it’s the diaphragm --- maybe women talk too much and engage it, or maybe they don’t say the right things.

In my experience if you tell a man you love him too soon, the next thing you see is his back as he exits the door.  You have to wait until he mouths the words.  Meanwhile, if you’re me, you use a full vocabulary of body language --- gentle hands, soft breath on the neck, moving against his body like a marking cat with velvet skin caresses.  How many kisses does it take to teach a man that you love him?  How wide the legs, how accommodating to his taste do you need to be to give that message?

My little dog rolls on his back when he lies beside me.  If I don’t rub his tummy he nudges me or he makes these grumbling sounds, growling disappointment.  When I pet him he knows that we are part of each other, he’s mine and I’m his.  He knows we’ll take care of each other.  I don’t have to say I love him, the body signals do that work.

The real difference is that when a man approaches a woman for sex he is saying “you can please me tonight”.  When a woman begins a sexual relationship with a man she is saying “you could please me forever.”   So it’s a question of short sightedness in men.  Maybe they don’t understand that love enhances sex.  In fact, from my perspective, sex isn’t much good at all without it.  Sex is mechanical, love is emotional, and the mixing of the two is a physical and spiritual blast that equals nothing else.

© Picottee Asheden